- Culture, History, & Current Events

Overview essays, biographies, events, timelines, primary sources, images, videos, maps, charts, and tables covering over 500 years of American history. 
Thousands of royalty-free country, state, geological, weather, historical, and political maps to print or download. Great for students and travelers.
Open Access - International index of high-quality, peer-reviewed journals and scientific articles that do not include embrago periods.
Everything you've ever wanted to know about the countries of the world, including basic facts, weather and climate, economics, travel information for tourists, food recipes to expand your cooking horizons, safety concerns, and much more. 
A one-stop source for information on issues in the latest headlines. Access pro & con articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, and discussion questions and activities. Perfect for debate preparation and essays.
Keep current on local and national topics with news sources spanning the US, including full-text digital versions of the Nashua Telegraph, the Manchester Union Leader/New Hampshire Daily News, the Concord Monitor, and hundreds of other regional and national newspapers.  
Online versions of selected titles found on the Merrimack Public Library's reference shelf that can be viewed anywhere with an Internet connection instead of having to read the physical editions at the Library.